User Interface Builder Class


What Is User Interface Builder Class

The User Interface Builder Class is the layout parameter dialog box that opens when a report is running in the Microsoft Dynamics AX Or Finance & Operations. 

The User Interface also adds customization and additional fields for the dialog, You can also use this class to write the lookup and validation on the report dialog.

 UI Builder Class scenarios used are:

  1. Group the dialog fields
  2. Override the dialog field events
  3. For adding customized lookup dialog field
  4. To bind the dialog fields with contract parameters
  5. For changing layouts in dialog
  6. Adding more custom controls in the dialog

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Interfaces & Abstract Class


Interfaces VS Abstract Class?

The class implementing is the interface that implements all interface methods and there will not be any abstract Class requirement. There are many access modifiers available like abstract, protected, virtual, internal, public, and many more that are useful in the abstract Classes. Abstract classes will be very fast when compared to interfaces.

Abstract class contains both the incomplete or complete methods and the interface is the signature for a particular method. The abstract class is the implemented method but the interface cannot be an implemented method.

The abstract class contains constructors, fields, or destructors for implementing the properties. The interface does not contain constructors, fields, or destructors but they have only the property’s signature with no implementation.

The abstract class does not support multiple inheritances and the interface supports multiple inheritances. The class can also inherit more interfaces but only a single abstract class.

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