Project Item Journal D365FO

Project Item Journal D365FO

Dynamics technical consultants often times receive the requirements to create the journal using X++ where we couldn't use data entity for any reason.

So, In this article, I am writing the sample which may help you a lot to create a project Item journal easily.

public void createProjectInventJournal(ProjectJournalContract    _projectJournal)
        InventDim                            inventDim;
        InventJournalName                    InventJournalName;
        InventJournalTable                   inventJournalTable;
        InventJournalTableData               journalTableData = JournalTableData::newTable(inventJournalTable);
        InventTable                          inventTable;
        ProjTable                               projTable;
        AWCFieldServIntegrtionMainAccount     ServiceOffsetAccount=this.findServiceMainAccount(AWCFieldServiceIntegrationType::ProjectItem);
         ProjectJournalTransContract  journalTransContract;


        journalTransContract = _projectJournal.getProjectJournalTrans(0);

        select projTable
            where projTable.ProjId==journalTransContract.ProjectId;

        select inventTable
            where inventTable.itemId==journalTransContract.ItemId;

        select InventJournalName
            where InventJournalName.JournalType==InventJournalType::project
        && InventJournalName.isFSJournal==NoYes::Yes;

        inventJournalTable.JournalId = journalTableData.nextJournalId();

        InventJournalTrans          inventJournalTrans;
        InventJournalTransData      journalTransData = journalTableData.journalStatic().newJournalTransData(inventJournalTrans, journalTableData);

        inventJournalTrans.TransDate    = today();


        inventJournalTrans.ProjId               =journalTransContract.ProjectId;
       inventJournalTrans.ProjCategoryId       = journalTransContract.ProjectCateId;

        inventJournalTrans.Qty              = journalTransContract.QtyUsed;
        inventJournalTrans.PriceUnit        = journalTransContract.CostPrice;
        inventJournalTrans.ProjUnitID       = journalTransContract.Unit;
        inventJournalTrans.Worker           = HcmWorkerLookup::currentWorker();
        inventJournalTrans.LedgerDimension  = LedgerDefaultAccountHelper::getDefaultAccountFromMainAccountRecId(MainAccount::findByMainAccountId(ServiceOffsetAccount.MainAccountId).RecId);
        inventDim.InventSiteId  = journalTransContract.Site;
        inventDim.InventLocationId =journalTransContract.Location;
        inventDim.wMSLocationId = journalTransContract.Warehouse;

        inventJournalTrans.InventDimId = inventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim).inventDimId;

        //other fields

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  1. Hi also add this to get the correct Cost Amount

    inventJournalTrans.CostAmount = inventJournalTrans.calcCostAmount();

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