Showing posts with label AX-2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AX-2012. Show all posts

Compile AX 2012

Using below command you can compile the AX-2012

  1. copy and paste the highlighted cd C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\bin , press enter.
  2. copy and paste the highlighted ,AXBuild.exe xppcompileall /s=06,press enter.

Create Vendor using X++ D365FO & AX-2012

Create Vendor using X++ D365FO & AX-2012

Following Code will help you to create Vendor using X++

For Default Dimension please check Link

public class VendorHelper



        private void new()

        public static VendorHelper construct()
            return new VendorHelper();

        public void createVendor()
            VendTable                    vendTable;
            NumberSeq                    numberSeq;
            Name                         name ='Systems Limited Karachi, Pakistan';

            DirParty                        dirParty;
            DirPartyPostalAddressView       dirPartyPostalAddressView;
            DirPartyContactInfoView         dirPartyContactInfo;
            container      conAttribute=["BusinessUnit","CostCenter","Department"];
            container      conAttributeValue=["001","007","022"];
            /* Marks the beginning of a transaction.
            Necessary to utilize the method numRefCustAccount() */

            //numberSeq               = NumberSeq::newGetNum(VendParameters::numRefVendAccount())
                // vendTable.AccountNum    = numberSeq.num();
                vendTable.AccountNum    = "Vend-00099";
                vendTable.VendGroup     ='30';
                vendTable.Currency      ='USD';
                vendTable.PaymTermId    ='Net10';
                vendTable.PaymMode      ='CHECK';


                /* Creates a new instance of the DirParty class from an address book entity
                that is represented by the custTable parameter. */
                dirParty = DirParty::constructFromCommon(vendTable);

                dirPartyPostalAddressView.LocationName      ='Systems limited Karachi, Pakistan ';
                dirPartyPostalAddressView.City              ='Karachi';
                dirPartyPostalAddressView.Street            ='Shah-re-faisal alcope-house';
                dirPartyPostalAddressView.StreetNumber      ='18';
                dirPartyPostalAddressView.CountryRegionId   ='PAK';
                dirPartyPostalAddressView.State             ='Sindh';
                dirPartyPostalAddressView.IsPrimary             = NoYes::Yes;
                // Fill address

                dirPartyContactInfo.LocationName    ='Email Address';
                dirPartyContactInfo.Locator         ='';
                dirPartyContactInfo.Type            = LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Email;
                dirPartyContactInfo.IsPrimary       = NoYes::Yes;

                // Fill Contacts

                dirPartyContactInfo.LocationName    ='Mobile Number';
                dirPartyContactInfo.Locator         ='923422722538';
                dirPartyContactInfo.Type            = LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Phone;
                dirPartyContactInfo.IsPrimary       = NoYes::Yes;

                // Fill Contacts

                // Marks the end of transaction.
                throw Exception::Error;


Create Customer using X++ D365FO & AX-2012

Create Customer using X++ D365FO & AX-2012

Following Code will help you to create customer using X++

Default Dimension Class 

public class DefaultDimesnionHelper

    public static DimensionDefault createDefaultDimension(container conAttribute,container attributeValue)
        DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage   valueSetStorage = new DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage();
        DimensionDefault                    result;
        int                     i;
        DimensionAttribute      dimensionAttribute;
        DimensionAttributeValue dimensionAttributeValue;
        // Note that "Item" is not one of the default dimension,
        // but DimensionAttributeValueSetStorage will handle it gracefully
        container               conAttr = conAttribute;
        container               conValue = attributeValue;
        str                     dimValue;
        for (i = 1; i <= conLen(conAttr); i++)
            dimensionAttribute = dimensionAttribute::findByName(conPeek(conAttr,i));
            if (dimensionAttribute.RecId == 0)
            dimValue = conPeek(conValue,i);
            if (dimValue != "")
                // The last parameter is "true". A dimensionAttributeValue record will be created if not found.
                dimensionAttributeValue =
                // Add the dimensionAttibuteValue to the default dimension
        result =;
        return result;


Customer Code

public class CustomerHelper


    private void new()

    public static CustomerHelper construct()
        return new CustomerHelper();

    public void createCustomer()
        CustTable                    custTable;
        NumberSeq                    numberSeq;
        Name                         name ='Systems Limited Karachi, Pakistan';

        DirParty                        dirParty;
        DirPartyPostalAddressView       dirPartyPostalAddressView;
        DirPartyContactInfoView         dirPartyContactInfo;
        container      conAttribute=["BusinessUnit","CostCenter","Department"];
        container      conAttributeValue=["001","007","022"];
        /* Marks the beginning of a transaction.
        Necessary to utilize the method numRefCustAccount() */

            //numberSeq               = NumberSeq::newGetNum(CustParameters::numRefCustAccount());
            // custTable.AccountNum    = numberSeq.num();
            custTable.AccountNum    = "US-00099";
            custTable.CustGroup     ='30';
            custTable.Currency      ='USD';
            custTable.PaymTermId    ='Net10';
            custTable.PaymMode      ='CHECK';
            custTable.insert(DirPartyType::Organization, name);


            /* Creates a new instance of the DirParty class from an address book entity
            that is represented by the custTable parameter. */
            dirParty = DirParty::constructFromCommon(custTable);

            dirPartyPostalAddressView.LocationName      ='Systems limited Karachi, Pakistan ';
            dirPartyPostalAddressView.City              ='Karachi';
            dirPartyPostalAddressView.Street            ='Shah-re-faisal alcope-house';
            dirPartyPostalAddressView.StreetNumber      ='18';
            dirPartyPostalAddressView.CountryRegionId   ='PAK';
            dirPartyPostalAddressView.State             ='Sindh';
            dirPartyPostalAddressView.IsPrimary             = NoYes::Yes;
            // Fill address

            dirPartyContactInfo.LocationName    ='Email Address';
            dirPartyContactInfo.Locator         ='';
            dirPartyContactInfo.Type            = LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Email;
            dirPartyContactInfo.IsPrimary       = NoYes::Yes;

            // Fill Contacts

            dirPartyContactInfo.LocationName    ='Mobile Number';
            dirPartyContactInfo.Locator         ='923422722538';
            dirPartyContactInfo.Type            = LogisticsElectronicAddressMethodType::Phone;
            dirPartyContactInfo.IsPrimary       = NoYes::Yes;

            // Fill Contacts

            // Marks the end of transaction.
            throw Exception::Error;


Kindly check the below screenshot

Edit Method D365FO

Edit Method D365FO

In AX 2009, when reference control was not available, in the table if there is a relation created on the basis of any field i.e. there is a child table and it contains the record Id of the parent Table. When that child table binds to form, (to display and select the user-friendly information from the parent table, lookup controls were used). The record Id of the user-friendly value is saved on the table with the help of the edit methods.

Here is the example to use Edit Method.

edit int ageUpdate(boolean _set, int value)
        SLD_DemoTable _demoTable;
        int  ret;

        // find the car records from the car table with update = true
        _demoTable = SLD_DemoTable::find(this.Name, _set);

        if (_set)

            _demoTable.Age = value;

            ret = _demoTable.Age;

        return ret;

Virtual Fields Vs Computed Fields

  Virtual Field: A virtual field in D365FO is a field that doesn't have a direct representation in the database. It's a field that y...