Showing posts with label Compare Records D365FO & AX 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Compare Records D365FO & AX 2012. Show all posts

Compare Records D365FO & AX 2012

How to compare two records buffer field to field. 

public static container compareRecords(Common _record1, Common _record2)
    SysDictTable    dictTable = new SysDictTable(_record1.TableId);
    SysDictField    dictField;
    FieldId         fieldId, extFieldId;
    container       ret;
    int             i, j;

    if (_record1.TableId != _record2.TableId)
        return conNull();

    for (i=1; i<=dictTable.fieldCnt(); ++i)
        fieldId = dictTable.fieldCnt2Id(i);
        dictField = new SysDictField(_record1.tableId, fieldId);

        if (!dictField.isSystem())
            for (j=1; j<= dictField.arraySize(); ++j)
                extFieldId = fieldId2Ext(fieldId, j);

                if (_record1.(extFieldId) != _record2.(extFieldId))
                    ret += [extFieldId, _record1.(extFieldId), _record2.(extFieldId)];

    return ret;

For Demo purpose you can use below code in job/runnable class.

static void demoCompareRecords(Args _args)
    VendTable vendTable_1 = VendTable::find('ABC'); 
    VendTable vendTable_2 = VendTable::find('XYZ'); 
    container   con;
    int         i;
    con = MyClass::compareRecords(vendTable_1 , vendTable_2 );
    for (i=1; i<=conLen(con); i+=3)
        info(strFmt("%1, %2 ,%3"
                   ,fieldId2Name(tableNum(VendTable), conPeek(con, i))
                   ,conPeek(con, i+1)
                   ,conPeek(con, i+2)

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