Showing posts with label Employee Dimension. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Employee Dimension. Show all posts

How to get Employee Dimensions

How to get Employee Dimensions

Here is the sample code to find the dimension by Name. In the below sample code we are using cost center Dimension for searching.

static void job1(Args _args)
        HcmEmployment                         hcmEmployment;
        DimensionAttributeValueSetItem  setItem;
        DimensionAttributeValue              dimAttrValue;
        DimensionAttribute                      dimAttribute;

        dimAttribute    = DimensionAttribute::findByName('CostCenter');

        while select hcmEmployment
              join RecId, DisplayValue from setItem
              where setItem.DimensionAttributeValueSet ==
              join dimAttrValue
              where dimAttrValue.RecId == setItem.DimensionAttributeValue &&
              dimAttrValue.DimensionAttribute == dimAttribute.RecId       &&
              dimAttrValue.IsDeleted == false
            info(strFmt("Employee = %1  %2 = %3 ",
           dimAttribute.Name, setItem.DisplayValue));

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