Retail Server health Check

Retail Server health Check

If you have a Dynamics 365 for Operations with Retail deployment, it can be especially critical to be able to quickly check the health of the Retail Service (real-time service).

Life cycle Services (LCS) provides an Environment Monitoring portal for each service. 

Login to your LCS and select production server full details.

Click on Environment Detail.

Then select Retail Tab Tab and then click on retail Tab 

You will find the health status in graphical View...

A quick real-time service check can be performed by:
Opening a web browser especially Google chrome and Enter the below URL on the browser.

The only thing you have to change is the Server name with your environment URL


if you want results in XML just add one more segment.


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Custom Data Entity D365FO

Custom Data Entity in few steps

Step -1
Create New Project and Create a Table like below 

Now add 4 fields. Name, Age, ClassName and RollNumber. After this create an index add two fields RollNumber and className.

Reference: Screenshot

Right-click on the table and navigate to Addin and select Create Data Entity.

if you are facing the error Natural key is not found like the below screenshot.

Go to Table and change the primary index with your newly created index.

Now perform step-3 again... Hope everything will work fine for you.

Extension Cases-

If you have the requirement to create a Systems Out of the box table entity and you are facing the same natural key error then there is another way to create a data entity of the required table.

As we all know we can't change the primary index in Table extensions.. check the below screenshot Primary index field showing disable.

Step-1 Copy any existing Entity 
Step-2 Remove data source, Fields, relations indexes, Methods and groups
Step-3 Add Invent Trans add the required field and make index

Step-4 set the properties like below images

Step-5 Now regenerate the staging table

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Virtual Fields Vs Computed Fields

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