Form Data Source Field Method Override D365FO
In this demo, I will show to create an extension class of form data source Field class and override method through COC.
Here is the annotation code to create COC
[ExtensionOf(formDataFieldStr(FormName, DataSourceName,DataFieldName))]
In this demo, we are using the HcmWorker form and creating Extension of DirPerson Data source field Personal Title..
[ExtensionOf(formDataFieldStr(HcmWorker, DirPerson,PersonalTitle))]
In actual code, you can find the method in the Hcmworker form
class PersonalTitle
public Common lookupReference(FormReferenceControl
return DirUtility::buildAffixReferenceControlLookup(_formReferenceControl,
Here is the code through which we create extensions.
final class Demo_Extension
Here is the code through this we override the method.
final class Demo_Extension
public Common lookupReference(FormReferenceControl
next lookupReference(_formReferenceControl);
return DirUtility::buildAffixReferenceControlLookup(_formReferenceControl,
Now perform build in sync on your module. enjoy
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