Database Synchronization using Power Shell D365FO

Database Synchronization using Power Shell D365FO

Many asked me on LinkedIn, That how to sync the database using a power shell on Azure deployed local VM. below is the full example of the power shall script. the only thing you need to change is the Database name as per your requirement.

C:\AOSService\webroot\bin\Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Deployment.Setup.exe -bindir "C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory" metadatadir "C:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory" -sqluser "AOSUSER" -sqlserver "." -sqldatabase "AxDB" -setupmode "sync" -syncmode "fullall" -isazuresql "false" -sqlpwd "AOSWebSite@123"


  1. Is this applicable to Sandbox environment (UAT) ?

  2. Worked for me for On-Premise UAT server

  3. Works on Cloud-hosted environments. Thanks.


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